Acceptance of Foreign Driving License

Section 28 of the Road Transport Act (APJ) 1987, states that “a driving license issued under the corresponding provisions of any law in force in any State which is a party to a treaty to which Malaysia is also a party and purporting to recognize domestic driving licenses issued by the contracting countries shall, so long as the license remains in force in that State, be deemed to be a driving license granted under this Part. “”

Pursuant to Section 28 of APJ 1987, as mentioned above, the holder of a foreign country’s driving license can drive in this country as long as the foreign domestic driving license is still valid, and is accompanied by a translation in English or Malay (where the license is in a language other than English or Malay), which is confirmed by the embassy of the country of origin in Malaysia, or by the authority issuing the driving license concerned.

In this regard, a foreign citizen is not required to hold a Malaysian driver’s license to drive in Malaysia.

In addition, foreign nationals who want to drive in this country also have the option to use an International Driving Permit (International Driving Permit-IDP) issued by the country concerned before entering Malaysia.

Driving licenses from the countries listed below are recognised and can be used for driving in Malaysia subject to regulations under the Road Transport Act 1987:

Afghanistan Albania Algeria Argentina
Austria Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh
Barbados Belarus Benin Bolivia
Bosnia Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Bulgaria
Burkina Faso Burundi Cameroon Canada
Central Frican Chad Chile Colombia
Congo Costa Rica Cote D’lvore Croatia
Czechoslovakia D. Kampuchea Dahomey Dominican Republic
Ecuador El Salvador Estonia Ethiopia
French Polynesia Gabon Gambia Georgia
Ghana Greece Guatemala Guinea
Guyana Haiti Holy See Honduras
Hungary Iceland India Indonesia
Ireland Israel Cote D’Ivoire Jamaica
Jordan Cambodia Kenya Kuwait
Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia
Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Madagascar
Malawi Maldive Island Mauritania Mexico
Monaco Mongolia Morocco Namibia
Nepal Nicaragua Niger Norway
Pakistan Panama Paraguay Peru
Republic of Macedonia Republic of Moldovaa Romania Rwanda
San Marino Saudi Arabia Senegal Seychelles
Sierre Leone Slovakia Slovenia Somalia
South Africa Southern Yemen Sri Lanka Sudan
Swaziland Sweden Syria Taiwan
Togo Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turmenikistan
Uganda Ukranian Soviet Socialist (Ukraine) United Kingdom United States of America
Uruguay Uzbekistan Venezuela Vietnam
Western Samoa Yemen Yugoslavia Zaire
  Zambia Zimbabwe  
Australia Perancis Laos Filipina
Belgium Jerman Libya Poland
Brunei Hong Kong Mauritius Russia
China Iran Myanmar Sepanyol
Denmark Iraq Belanda Switzerland
Mesir Itali New Zealand Thailand
Fiji Jepun Nigeria Turkmenistan
Finland Korea Papua New Guinea Singapura
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