BDExpat Kids Club & Youth Hub is organizing Hackathon for Kids and Teens

On the occasion of the National Children’s Day and Birth Anniversary of Bongobondhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, BD Expat Kids Club and Youth Hub are jointly organizing 1st ever kids and teens Hackathon in Malaysia.


The objectives of the Hackathon are to familiarize the kids & teens with Computer Programming, to make them learn basic things about coding, to improve their skills related to ICT and digital world.


The topics will be open. Kids and Teens will be encouraged to develop any creative apps / tools / digital media including website and showcase it. They can use Scratch Programming, MIT App Inventor,

HTML/Php/Phython, AutoDraw etc. to develop their tools / apps / digital media.


The rules and steps of participation are below,


  1. Each participants have to register by 10 PM, 10th March. At the time of registration, they have to share their idea in 5 sentence.
  2. There will be a briefing session on 11th March.
  3. A special boot camp will arranged with participants on 13th March who need support.
  4. Kids will be allowed to work on their project between 14th March and 19th March. They have to submit their tools / apps / digital media to us by 19th March. We will communicate the submission procedure later.


Judge will review the project and will invite top 10 participants to pitch their ideas on 21st March.

Top 3 participants will receive attractive prize and all participants will be awarded with certificate.


To registration is closed. For more information, please contact us at

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